Here's a portfolio of my current and past projects.
Hack Inclusive ‐ Nov 2018
Hack Inclusive is a mock website made for Technica's 2018 Hackathon. The site is made to find hackathons in your local area and provide resources to help you prepare thinking like a Hackathon Hacker.
GitHub Repo DevPost Submission
Team Zillow ‐ Oct 2018
Team Zillow is a mock website made for a Girls Develop It Hackathon, meant to represent a realtor's professional website that included Zillow APIs to pull the reviews. I was responsible for the front-end, using HTML/CSS to build the site.
GitHub Repo
Tic-Tac-Toe ‐ July 2018 (Incomplete)
Assigned as a final project for my Adv. C++ Programming class, I decided to work on the challenge outside of class to further to develop the game. Possibly add in AI for the Computer component.
GitHub Repo
STEM Corner ‐ March 2015
Created at my second Hackathon, STEM Corner is a website to provide high school students easy access to STEM related events and opportunities. The promotional site won our team first place at GenTech All-Girls Hackathon: HackED 2.0.
DevPost Submission
High School Projects ‐ Sept 2013-June 1015
Apart of the Programming track during my time at Bayside High School, we were required to document our progress, along with our assignments, using Google Sites for each year we learned a new programming language.
App Inventor for Android C# Java